International Network of Financial Services Ombudsman Schemes

Setting up a financial services ombudsman scheme

practical advice that draws on
the experience of INFO Network's Members

Fundamental principles

INFO Network has consistently and actively assisted the development of accessible, effective and independent external dispute resolution for consumers through the ombudsman model.

Our first major effort in this regard was the development and adoption of guiding principles for financial services ombudsman schemes. Published in September 2014, 'Effective approaches to fundamental principles' sets out our Members' collective view of good practices which guide the development, refinement and evaluation of financial services ombudsman schemes. To support the development of new schemes, we have translated the 'effective approaches' publication into other languages. 

Practical guide and toolkit

In 2018 we published our 'Guide to setting up a Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme'. 

This continued our efforts to support the development of new schemes — and provide useful resources for existing ones — by capturing the lessons learned from successful implementations of financial services ombudsman schemes and bringing that wisdom together into a start-up guide.

The guide covers most of the areas that should be considered when planning and implementing a financial services ombudsman scheme.

It also offers a toolkit of resources to assist with implementation.

While INFO Network owns fulls copyright to this document, we have published it so that anyone may use and quote from it — as long as they clearly acknowledge the source as the 'Guide to setting up a Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme' produced by INFO Network and they describe the role of the INFO Network, as explained on page 2 of the guide. © INFO Network 2018 

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